Disclaimer This
Chris seems to think that personal opinions are just that and I totally agree, but if you put your company name on your post/blog/email you are bringing your place of work into the discussion.
The legal side of me wants to argue the point but the human side of me (backed by more than a year of blogging experience) understands that this is the over whelming majority viewpoint. That’s why my blog is aggressively anonymous. (Believe it or not, some organizations have blogging policies.) In addition, the Spatially Adjusted post shoots down those silly disclaimers that mention the company name in one breath and attempt to disavow association in the next breath. My recommendation is to add one more sentence to your disclaimer. Although I am not a spokesperson for <insert organization name>, I realize that most people will consider my personal opinions as company policy. Oh, and you may as well add it to your e-mail signature. Here is the complete disclaimer in an easy to copy format.
Disclaimer: I work for <insert well-known company or high visibilty government agency> but all the opinions here are my own. Although I am not a spokesperson for <insert organization name>, I realize that most people will consider my personal opinions as company policy.
Thank you James—great point!